All Projects

Support education of Upper Egypt Children

We helped in funding a project that strives to enhance the quality of education for over 6000 children in Upper Egypt, where access to education is a challenge.

 our goal of collecting 201k USD
101,282 USD 51%

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Donation Total: $10

Free medical services in Upper Egypt

Due to the limited health services and access to medical care in Upper Egypt, LFO has taken the initiative to provide complimentary medical services to the community.

 our goal of collecting 100k USD
77,514 USD 77%

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Donation Total: $10

Girls Empowerment

In response to the challenges faced by girls in underserved regions striving to access higher education and societal inclusion, we have developed a comprehensive empowerment program called “New Eve”.

 our goal of collecting 50k USD
26,783 52%

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Donation Total: $10

Medical Camps

LFO organizes medical convoys in underserved areas to provide free medical services, including check-ups and the distribution of essential medications. In critical situations, basic sterilized surgery rooms are set up to address urgent cases.

 our goal of collecting 101k USD
51,282 USD 51%

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Donation Total: $10

Partnerships with Local Healthcare Providers

Collaborating with local healthcare professionals and facilities, LFO extends healthcare services to more people in need. Partnerships with teaching hospitals in regions

 our goal of collecting 100k USD
45 USD 45%

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Donation Total: $10

Partnership with Local NGOs

LFO collaborates with local NGOs to establish clinics or pharmacies in unreached areas, expanding access to healthcare service.Additionally, educational workshops are conducted to train healthcare providers.

 our goal of collecting 50k USD
30 USD 70%

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Donation Total: $10

Health Education and Awareness Programs

LFO conducts community health education programs to raise awareness about preventive healthcare practices, personal hygiene, and nutrition

 our goal of collecting 201k USD
101,282 USD 51%

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Donation Total: $10

Mobile Clinics

LFO provides mobile healthcare services to remote and underserved communities, reaching individuals who lack access to traditional healthcare facilities and transportation options. Mobile clinics in regions like Upper Egypt and the Philippines

 our goal of collecting 100k USD
77,514 USD 77%

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Donation Total: $10

ransforming one’s dream into reality holds invaluable impact

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Donation Total: $10